Well I'm not sure if I insulted a friend or not. But I blurted out today that I don't understand how people who have no children, no full-time job and no money plus a pile of other responsibilities claim they can't cope. I love my life, and as stressed as I get, if I could get a personal assistant, a personal trainer, a personal whatever, I would be satisfied.....probably.
It was from two different friends that I heard these complaints or rants about not getting it together because they've got so much on their plate. I wanted to say, "Add a couple of hungry kids, then you will really see what kind of plate you got."
BUT before having children, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut-off too. I spent a lot of time focusing on what seems now to be unimportant stuff now, like shopping and ...........damn I CAN'T REMEMBER what I did with my time before children!!! People say this and its true, I really can't remember. My memory is bad because of hormones, sleep deprivation, sensory overload, and I am already a little "spacey." Imagine now. I know some moms know what I'm talking about.
Its part of the reason........I can't remember what I was about to type. That's bad.
I always try to be understanding when my single or childless friends make this complaint because everyone deals with their "loads" differently. I am only five years into parenting :)
so its not like I'm used to it. I am still feeling my way through motherhood, marriage, and life in general. This is hard for me at times and I feel like some people don't really understand.
If I don't return your call or finish that song or send you the evite, blame dem kids!!!
Struggle is relative.