Let me share with you what I'm doing now...
Didn't go back to T. Stone Elementary this school year, but somehow managed to stay in the Mt. Rainier, MD area working part-time (3 days a week) at Joe's Movement Emporium teaching vocal music to the after school group. Which is great because the flexibility allows me to be at home during the day and take my kids with me to work whenever I want to!
Also, I have been selected to be on the roster for the Maryland State Arts Council Arts-in-Education visiting performers and artist residency programs. I am so thrilled about this!!! I get to teach through the arts, merging my two passions- teaching and singing.
My arts residency programs includes vocal music, theater, and/or performance for 1-5th graders; however, building confidence and improving self-esteem is the underlying goal. Teaching in the public schools gave me a little advantage on how to integrate state objectives with my program objectives. Isn't that the best?! I work with the classroom teacher to set goals/objectives based on the needs of the specific students.