Big Mama- How Do You Do it?!

People ask me HOW DO I DO IT ALL having three children, have music career, teach, be a wife. Well, I don't. Here's what happens.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday mornings are special. Thank God for this day and the newness of it.
All praises to God for all he has done.

Today at church the pastor started an old hymn that took me back to Little Gilfield Baptist Church, "Never Alone". It is so comforting to hear those hymns, it just brought me to tears.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Life is....
being at home. Walking in circles as I figure where to start cleaning. Sitting in front of the TV to watch WETA with my children. Checking emails. Sending messages. Practicing a new song. Planning a lesson good enough so that the children will "get it".Waiting for a phone call back from a promoter. Waiting for that check. Getting a babysitter. Rehearsing. Laughing at my corny sisters. Challenging myself and my family to lose weight. Life is the title of my new album.
